The main difference between chicken stock and vegetable stock is basically simple. This is a great excuse to hold on to your roast chicken bones as that will be the basis for this recipe.
The key to making a good stock to is not to add anything what will overpower it's flavor as we intend on using it in various dishes. So no garlic or salt should be added.
Roast chicken bones (preferably with a little meat attached)
1 to 2 onions
2 to 3 carrots
3 to 4 celery stalks
1 Leek
4 to 5 sprigs fresh thyme
1 bay leaf
1 small bunch parsley
1 teaspoon whole peppercorns
Roughly chop the vegetables and you can keep the skins on if you like.
We want to release some of the liquids from the vegetable so we are going to heat them with a little bit of oil in the pot for a few minutes before adding the water. At this point the heat should be medium to high.
Add the roast chicken bones.
Reduce the heat to low and leave the pot to simmer for about four hours or so. During this time you can try and skim off the fat which will rise to the top. Do probably won't remove all of it but that is fine
Taste your work, yum.
Strain the pot and keep the stock. You can refrigerate the stock or freeze it.